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Black Wolf Fish 
Hoplias curupira

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Fish Facts!

The Black Wolf Fish, scientifically known as Hoplias curupira, is a fascinating species of freshwater fish native to the Amazon Basin in South America. This intriguing creature has earned its unique name due to its striking black coloration and its reputation as a fierce predator within its ecosystem. Black Wolf Fish belong to the Erythrinidae family and are renowned for their robust and streamlined body. They can grow to an impressive size, with some individuals reaching lengths of up to 16 inches. Their dark, almost black, coloration serves as excellent camouflage amid the densely vegetated waters of the Amazon. This cryptic appearance enables them to blend into their surroundings, making them effective ambush predators.One of the most interesting aspects of the Black Wolf Fish is its ability to breathe both underwater and in air. They possess a specialized respiratory system that allows them to extract oxygen from the air through a modified swim bladder, enabling them to survive in poorly oxygenated waters.

Wolf Fish Care


An aquarium with at least 40 gallons of water, with good filitration.



Plants, rocks or drift wood to provide hiding places, the tank lights should be dimmed. Heavy filtration is required to deal with the large amounts of waste this fish produces. This species prefers still water. Care is required in handling, Wolf Fish are extremly agressive.



The water temperature should be between 78 and 82 degrees F.



pH should be between 6.0 - 8.0, ideally slightly acidic to neutral water: pH 6.5 - 7.2 . Soft water is preferred, but is not essential 



Wolf fish are a very agressive species and are only compatible with large fish in a bigger aqaurium



Wolf Fish will eat all types of meat, fish, prawns and fish pellets 



We offer a postal courier service to any part of the country so distance is not an issue and our fish are packed and transported under correct conditions, contact us for more info.

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