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Potamotrygon motoro

Currently in stock:

4 - 6" Motoro

Wholesale prices available please contact us for info!

Images of fish in stock - Click for gallery view

Fish Facts!

Freshwater Blue Motoro Stingrays come from the Amazon basin and are one of the easiest to keep, they are hardy, active, and easy to keep in the proper aquarium. They have a poisonous stinger on their tails so care should be taken. There is a good probability that when they are established that they may reproduce in an aquarium. This ray can live for up to 20 years, so before buying this species make sure your prepared for this commitment. It is a fairly easy species to keep, friendly  with a lot of character. However, the motoro stingray is sensitive to pollution and requires good water conditions. Freshwater Spotted Stingrays can grow to be 18".
The motoro stingray lives up to its name and has a very sharp and venomous sting on its tail. Although it will only attack in defence, take precautions when handling this animal. If you do get stung the venom is very unstable and can be broken down by applying heat to the wound. Always seek medical advice when stung as the stingray sometimes leaves its integumentary sheath in the wound.

Stingray Care


An aquarium with at least 50 gallons of water, an exterior power filter with a BIO-Wheel, and a maximum of 1/4 inch of gravel.



Plants, rocks or drift wood to provide hiding places, the tank lights should be dimmed. Heavy filtration is required to deal with the large amounts of waste this fish produces. A powerhead can be added to provide currents. Care is required in handling, extremely dangerous to hands.



The water temperature should be between 75 and 80 degrees F.



pH should be between 6.0 - 8.0, ideally slightly acidic to neutral water: pH 6.5 - 7.2 . Soft water is preferred.



This stingray is a very peaceful species but is prone to bullying. It is, however, predatory and may eat smaller tankmates. Several stingrays can be kept together.


Sting Rays will eat shrimp, prawns, you should remove the shrimps shells. Sting Rays also eat cockles, trout and whitebait.



We offer a postal courier service to any part of the country so distance is not an issue and our fish are packed and transported under correct conditions, contact us for more info.

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